Friday, April 20, 2012

Ashton in Cloth!!!

So I've been so busy with reviews and moving, that I have not talked about my journey so far.
Cloth diapering has been very exciting for me Im loving every minute of it, even the POOP part :)

We have encountered some hiccups with ammonia smell, leaks, OS not fitting right recently Ashton had a I guess Yeast infection I didn't know babies could get that. So I had to stripe my diapers which took me 2 days that including overnight soaks and washing cycles and drying out outside!!! It felt like forever OMG I'm not sure if I ever want to do that again. :)

Besides that its been great, Ashton is getting so big he has grown into different snap rise rows, he is also teething finally has a bottom tooth out not all the way and also has another tooth on the side still hiding hope this phase goes by quickly because I've been sleep deprived. My hubby enjoys seeing him in blue or black diapers since those are his favorite colors. My daughter is tired of hearing the words "Cloth Diapers" she saids OMG mommy "Cloth Diaper this Cloth Diaper that" may I remind you she's 5 years old. She's too funny.

Also still settling in the new house adjusting to things, organizing, cleaning.. I'm sure everyone has moved at least once in there life so y'all know what I'm going through.

Thank you all, if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask away!!!!




  1. Hi Polly!! So glad to hear Ashton is in cloth and that you're having fun with it. A black diaper sounds kind of cute - never tried that before!


    1. Hi Anne.. yes it actually never thought black on a diaper but I got a black charlie banana!! it looks super cute on him. Thank you for a beautiful comment.
      Hope you have fun at your local GCDC.
