Monday, May 21, 2012

Flats and Handwashing Challenge Day - 1
Why are you taking it?

Hey, Hey, Hey as you all may know I am taking part in the Second Annual Flats and Handwashing Challenge hosted by Dirty Diaper Laundry. For 7 days I will be using only flat cloth diapers and handwashing them in an effort to prove that cloth diapering can be affordable and accessible to all. You can learn more about the rules and why this challenge was started by visiting the announcement post. This year there are over 450 participants from all over the world!

Today is May 21, 2012 Day 1

When I first heard about the Flats Challenge I thought what an awesome Challenge, but thought to myself "I don't really have the extra money to buy Flats so I think I will pass" but after reading a couple of my friends post on Facebook about the flats challenge and the items they would be using and WHY? they were doing it. I found myself re-evaluated my decision and thought I needed to do this for myself.

Here is why???

  1. How does that saying go " Practice what you preach". Yes I want to be able to talk to mamas and say "YOU can do it"on a tight budget without a washer and dryer. If I did it then you totally can. Granted I'm only going to be doing it for 7 days but I'm sure if need be I would definitely keep on doing it. 
  2. I want to be able to say "I DID IT". I can't give advice on something I haven't went through or done myself. At the end of this Challenge I will be able to say "I DID IT".
  3. I want to be able to see and experience first hand and understand other parents challenges who are doing this on a daily basis.  
  4. We are all helping a great cause.
  5. I'm always up for a great Challenge!! BRING IT ON!!
For these reasons I will be doing the 
Flats Challenge this year!!  
Stay tuned with me and see what challenges I come across.


  1. Can't wait to hear how the week goes for you!

  2. Me too Heather!! i don't really know what to expect but excited!

  3. It will be nice to say "I did it!!"

    1. Right Maria!!! I mean I think that a great accomplishment !!

  4. Love your reasons! Love the practice what you preach:-)

  5. Great reasons! Good luck this week! =)

  6. Yeah, the feeling of accomplishment is great and for someone like me who doesn't always finish things, this should be fun!
    CJR @ The Mami Blog

  7. My thoughts exactly! Practicing what I preach, I'm going to be cutting up some old t-shirts tomorrow.

  8. Practice what you preach is one of my reasons for doing this too. : )

  9. Your first reason was one of my big ones as well. I felt like there was just no way I could promote cloth diapers as an option for everyone, regardless of access to a washer and dryer, if I'm not willing to handwash myself on occasion! ~Melissa
